Reset with Yoga
Benefits that
extend beyond
the mat.
Povećava fleksibilnost, snagu i ravnotežu Smanjuje stres i anksioznost Podstiče unutrašnji mir i povezanost sa vama samima Povećava energiju i vitalnost
you'll flow like a river, syncing breath
and movement in perfect harmony.
Are you ready?

Maraja, a passionate 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), brings energy and heart to her Vinyasa Flow classes, weaving strength, stretch, and meditation into a transformative experience. Rooted in Ashtanga, her sessions inspire growth, mindfulness, and a deep sense of inner peace.

Kristina Butaeva, certified yoga instructor with over a decade of experience, trained in Hatha (200h), PRANA (280h), and Jivamukti Yoga (375h). She sees yoga as a path to self-growth, enhancing awareness and balance, helping individuals lead more fulfilled and harmonious lives.

Maria Denisova, certified Hatha Yoga instructor, specializes in Hatha Yoga, handstands, and meditation. After 13 years as a pharmaceutical engineer, yoga helped her overcome challenges and discover a passion for teaching and personal growth.
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