Reset with Yoga

Embark on a path of self-discovery and transformation with our different yoga classes.

Benefits that
extend beyond
the mat.

  Povećava fleksibilnost, snagu i ravnotežu
  Smanjuje stres i anksioznost
  Podstiče unutrašnji mir i povezanost sa vama samima
  Povećava energiju i vitalnost
Guided by energizing sequences,
you'll flow like a river, syncing breath
and movement in perfect harmony.
Are you ready?
Vinyasa Yoga

Maraja, a passionate 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), brings energy and heart to her Vinyasa Flow classes, weaving strength, stretch, and meditation into a transformative experience. Rooted in Ashtanga, her sessions inspire growth, mindfulness, and a deep sense of inner peace.

Maria Zivic
Jivamukti Yoga

Kristina Butaeva, certified yoga instructor with over a decade of experience, trained in Hatha (200h), PRANA (280h), and Jivamukti Yoga (375h). She sees yoga as a path to self-growth, enhancing awareness and balance, helping individuals lead more fulfilled and harmonious lives.

Kristina Butaeva
Hatha Yoga

Maria Denisova, certified Hatha Yoga instructor, specializes in Hatha Yoga, handstands, and meditation. After 13 years as a pharmaceutical engineer, yoga helped her overcome challenges and discover a passion for teaching and personal growth.

Maria Denisova
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