Define with Body Ballet

From the delicate positions of the arms and feet to the powerful leaps and turns, this discipline celebrates the beauty and precision of the human body.

Benefits that
raise the

  Poboljšava snagu skeleta i fleksibilnost mišića
  Pomaže pravilnom držanju
  Podstiče kreativnost i umetnički izraz
  Produbljuje disciplinu i istrajnost kroz doslednost
Our classes emphasize core engagement and lower body strength, incorporating equipment like barres, mats, and basic props. hrough focused repetition, you'll master each exercise and gain a deeper understanding of your body's movements.
Body Ballet

Jovana Mirosavljevic, a professional ballerina, actress, fashion influencer, and entrepreneur, has spent 30 years on stage. A graduate of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and a prestigious French ballet academy, she’s performed worldwide. With a Barre coaching certification, her heart always returns to Belgrade.

Jovana Mirosavljevic
All levels are welcome on our journey.
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