Public offer for the provision of physical and health services
Studio: Vera Sereda PR Activity of sports facilities Belgrade (Vračar), Južni Bulevar 25, MB 67253558, authorized person (hereinafter "Studio")
General conditions
1.1. With this document, the parties establish the order of use of Studio services by the Client, payment of services and obligations of both parties. The offer represents a short-term or long-term contract for the provision of the Studio's services to the Client and the execution of the Client's contractual obligations towards the Studio.
1.2. Services include, but are not limited to: sports, group and individual yoga training, functional training, body-ballet, dance, massage and other physical and health activities.
1.3. During the duration of the offer, the Client has the opportunity to train in the Studio at Južni Bulevar 25. The offer is valid only for the person who has accepted its conditions.
1.4. The client undertakes to comply with the rules and regulations of the Studio, defined and described in this offer. By accepting the terms of this offer, the Client confirms that he has reviewed the Studio, its functionality and offers, or has been informed about them by employees or through the website of the Studio, and fully understands and accepts the offer in its entirety. The client confirms that he has read and understood the RULES of using the Studio and understands that non-compliance with them may be the reason for unilateral termination of the offer without the possibility of refunding the paid funds.
1.5. Visits are possible only during the working hours of the Studio, specified at the reception.
1.6. Trainings are possible for persons older than 18 years. Children aged 6 to 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the first training session and must undergo mandatory training from a representative of the Studio. Registration for trainings is done through parents through the website or administrators. Minors can train only with the written consent of their parents or legal representatives.
Protection and use of personal data
2.1. By accepting the terms of this offer, the Client confirms that he understands the notification about the intention to use personal data and agrees to receive notifications related to the work of the Studio, invitations to events or other events organized for the clients of the Studio.
2.2. The Client also understands and agrees to receive information and notices from other legal entities, which act on behalf of and on behalf of the Studio, in connection with the activities of the Studio and its official contractual partners.
2.3. Notifications and information can be received by the Client at the contact address, e-mail or phone number specified in the registration form. The client can opt out of receiving information at any time by directly unsubscribing through the received newsletter.
2.4. The studio undertakes to store other personal data of the Client in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other laws that regulate this area.
Types of services, schedule and payment methods
3.1. Services are provided in accordance with the package:
- One training session
- Package of 4 training sessions
- Package of 8 training sessions
- Package of 12 training sessions
3.2. The client can make the payment in cash at the Studio's cash desk or by bank card at the fitness reception.
3.3. The client undertakes to pay for the services provided in a timely manner, and the Studio undertakes to provide services in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of this contract.
Contract extension and termination
4.1. The contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties. Also, the contract can be terminated unilaterally due to violation of the key terms of the contract, such as:
- Non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the Study;
- Damage to the property of the Studio;
- Untimely payment of services.
In case of damage to one of the parties, termination of the contract does not release the party that caused such damage from the obligation to compensate it.
4.2. In case of termination of the contract before using all pre-paid trainings, the Client can request a refund for the unused trainings, except for the costs incurred by the Studio for the organization of the training process.
4.3. The client has the right to postpone the training, if he addresses the Studio with the appropriate request no later than 6 hours before the start of the said training. In case of registration for training and no-show, one training session is deducted from the package or you pay for the lesson at the next appointment.
Cenovnik usluga
5.1. The price list of services is an integral part of this Agreement and is valid throughout the duration of the agreement.
5.2. In the case of service price changes, the changes apply to the Client only after the expiration of the current package, i.e. they are applied when purchasing a new package.
Study Responsibilities
6.1. The studio undertakes to provide space for training in accordance with legislation, as well as all necessary equipment and accessories for training.
6.2. The studio undertakes to regularly maintain, repair and store the equipment in a correct and functional condition.
6.3. The studio undertakes to maintain cleanliness and order in all used rooms.
6.4. The studio has the right to change the schedule and change the coach listed in the schedule.
6.5. The studio undertakes to provide timely services in accordance with the terms of this contract.
Client Responsibility
7.1. The client is responsible for his health and undertakes to inform the Studio about all medical contraindications for training.
7.2. The Client is responsible for the careful handling of the property of the Studio and compensates for damages in case of damage or destruction of the property in the amount of the full value of the damaged or destroyed property.
7.3. Klijent preuzima sve rizike vezane za moguće oštećenje svog zdravlja, osim slučajeva predviđenih važećim zakonodavstvom Republike Srbije.
7.4. In case of a delay of more than 15 minutes, the trainer has the right to refuse the Client participation in the training. In that case, the cost of missed training is not reimbursed.
7.5. The client undertakes to inform the Studio about all changes in address, telephone, e-mail and other data important for his participation in the trainings.
Commercialization of the Study
8.1. The Client is prohibited from using the Studio and its equipment for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Studio's administration and in accordance with the agreed terms.
8.2. Trainers who conduct training sessions at the Studio are exclusively employees and partners of the Studio or companies, associations and clubs with which the Studio has contractual relations for the provision of such services.
Other conditions
9.1. The offer becomes effective after its acceptance by the Client and payment of the services according to the price list, which is an integral part of this offer.
9.2. The contract can be concluded in writing during a personal visit to the Studio's administrator, as well as in electronic form by ordering training through the Studio's website.
9.3. In case of a dispute under the contract, the court in Belgrade has jurisdiction.
9.4. The offer is written in two languages (Russian and Serbian). In case of disagreement in interpretation, the Serbian version has priority.